We live in a world of the right now. If you want groceries simply open up an app, hit re-order, and you’ll have groceries at your door in two hours. Need a new iPhone charger cause your family steals all of yours? Open the good all the Amazon app, one click, and it will be at your house in two days. Need that hit of dopamine? Open up your favorite social media app and see who liked your photos and left you an uplifting comment.
Since I can remember, the fitness industry through magazines and now social media posts have read headlines like “Lose 10 pounds in 10 days” , “Add An Inch To Your Biceps In An Hour”. Anyone not falling for this marketing gimmick that can objectively look at these claims will know that these claims are impossible and if in fact achieved will not last for any period of meaningful time.
What is the immediate benefit of exercise if instant weight loss or strength gains is impossible? In my experience of 13 years of personal training, in a 30 to 60 minute session my client can immediately transform their mental state of being.
My general greeting when starting a session is a simple “Hello…how’s the body feel, what’s good for the day?” Often that simple question elicits a very negative response. “Miserable day at work, my body hurts, I feel old, I don’t feel like being here, let’s just go get a coffee instead.” Sometimes people are just joking and they know they need to give me the truth about how their body feels so I can formulate a program for that day. Sometimes people‘s mental state of well-being when they walk through the door or pick up the video call just isn’t that great.
The act of exercise increases the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the brain. It also induces the release of specific proteins that help keep brain neurons healthy and the production of new neurons. Dopamine and endorphins are also released giving you a happy and content feeling. Exercise promotes energy throughout the day and helps you sleep better at night.
A sense of empowerment is achieved when done with exercise. My clients accomplish a task that is challenging. Think to when you finish a task that is extremely challenging. How do you feel? I know I personally feel like Superman and I ask “what’s next?!?”
Change who you are immediatly with exercise. It doesnt take long. Go from Mr. Hyde back to Dr. Jekyll. You’ll be happier, clearheaded, and ready to take on the day. That’s the immediate benefit. Go get it!
To Your Health,
Mark Radio
Mark Radio
BA in Exercise Science, certified personal trainer, and certified nutritional counselor. Mark’s ability to connect, motivate, and educate has made him one of the most sought after health and fitness professionals in the industry.