
Enhancing Speed: Insights into Speed Training Techniques by Charlie Francis

When it comes to athletic performance, speed is a highly sought-after attribute that can make a significant difference in various sports. Charlie Francis, a renowned Canadian track and field coach, revolutionized the world of sprinting with his innovative training techniques. In this blog post, we will explore some of the key speed training techniques advocated by Charlie Francis and their potential benefits.

1. High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT):

One of the cornerstones of Charlie Francis's training philosophy is high-intensity interval training. HIIT involves short bursts of intense effort followed by periods of active recovery. This approach helps enhance anaerobic capacity, muscular power, and overall speed. Sprint intervals, hill sprints, and shuttle runs are examples of HIIT exercises that can be incorporated into training programs.

2. Maximum Velocity Training:

Charlie Francis emphasized the importance of training at maximum velocity to improve speed. This involves incorporating flying sprints, overspeed training, and assisted sprints using devices like sleds or resistance bands. By training at or above race pace, athletes can enhance their neuromuscular coordination, stride frequency, and overall running mechanics.

3. Plyometric Exercises:

Plyometric exercises, also known as jump training, are crucial for developing explosive power and improving speed. Francis advocated for incorporating exercises such as box jumps, depth jumps, and bounding into training routines. Plyometrics help improve the stretch-shortening cycle, which is essential for generating power and maximizing running speed.

4. Strength Training:

Francis recognized the importance of strength training in improving speed. Building a strong foundation is crucial for supporting the explosive movements required in sprinting. Compound exercises like squats, deadlifts, lunges, and Olympic lifts are effective for developing lower body strength and power. It's important to focus on proper technique and gradually increase resistance to avoid injury.

5. Recovery and Periodization:

Charlie Francis emphasized the significance of recovery and proper periodization to achieve optimal performance gains. Adequate rest between training sessions, sleep, and nutrition are essential for allowing the body to adapt and recover. Francis also advocated for utilizing periodization techniques, such as varying training intensities and volumes throughout the year, to prevent overtraining and enhance performance progression.

Charlie Francis's contributions to speed training have had a profound impact on the world of athletics. Through his innovative techniques and emphasis on high-intensity training, maximum velocity work, plyometrics, strength training, and proper recovery, athletes have been able to reach new levels of speed and performance. It's important to note that individualization and proper coaching are crucial when implementing these techniques to ensure safety and effectiveness. By incorporating some of these principles into training programs, athletes and coaches can work towards maximizing their speed potential and achieving their athletic goals.