

As a trainer for 13 years I’ve heard it all why people think they can’t get in shape. A new tactic I’m more inclined to actually use is a good old fashioned tape recorder. I’d simply record all their excuses and play it back to them.

Nobody likes a complainer. Think of that person you work with who always has BS issues. Or that family member you just want to slap in the face and say, “get it together.” This is exactly how most sound when it comes to their health and fitness.

  • “Healthy food doesn’t taste good.”

  • “I need my sleep. I can’t wake up early to workout.”

  • “I’m drained after work. So I can’t workout later.”

  • “I have no time… my kids/spouse, work takes it all.”

  • “I don’t know what to do.”

These are a few of the common excuses that I hear all the time in one form or another. These same people spend hours on social media a week, can drink the foulest tasting liquor and caffeinated drinks, stay up to watch late night shows, and have enough energy after work to go to happy hour.
These excuses aren’t their issue. The issue is a lack of discipline. There are many people who have it much harder and still are healthy because of their discipline.

Get it together this week and trash the excuses. Nobody wants to hear them, including you!

To Your Health,

Mark Radio

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Mark Radio

BA in Exercise Science, certified personal trainer, and certified nutritional counselor. Mark’s ability to connect, motivate, and educate has made him one of the most sought after health and fitness professionals in the industry.

Mark Radio