
Set Out To Be Uncommon

My daughter is 4 years old. Like any other 4 year old she imagines to be like the latest en vogue Disney character. Watching these movies with her I’ve become a Disney connoisseur. Every Disney character basically goes through the same outline.

  1. The main character feels different or uncommon

  2. Something negative happens to them, the family, or community

  3. They must go out on their own or with an animal/animated friend who plays the role of their conscious

  4. They have to overcome hardships to fix the problem or defeat the villain

  5. In the process they not only save the day, but they “find” themselves

I assume you reading this are over the age of 4. So take a look at the people you choose to follow on social media. The people you like to read about. They are definitely uncommon. Chances are they had to go through the same outline that the Disney character went through.

If this is the case why is the goal for so many to be common. The goal is the normal life with the house with the white picket fence. A regular 9-5 taking orders from someone who is more clueless than you. Eating the same old crappy diet like everyone else. Having that beer when watching the game. Accepting “dad-bod” or “mom-bod” like it’s inevitable. Accepting aches and pains of the body with every passing year.

I don’t know about you, but common sucks!

I challenge you this week to do the uncommon. Wake up earlier when everyone else is sleeping and workout. Don’t have that doughnut that’s in the office breakroom. Be a problem solver rather than complaining to anyone that would listen. BE UNCOMMON.

To Your Health,

Mark Radio

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Mark Radio

BA in Exercise Science, certified personal trainer, and certified nutritional counselor. Mark’s ability to connect, motivate, and educate has made him one of the most sought after health and fitness professionals in the industry.