

The first step in any process is the actual conception of the task, goal, or idea. We all get plenty of great ideas that we never act on. Why? Because the second step in any process is belief. The lack of belief is what halts many from advancing towards their goal or idea.

As people get older belief in certain things tend to fail. Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy are expected. For some disbelief in other processes, ideas, and themselves fail. You could develop a disbelief in your own abilities to do a task due to past failed attempts.

So what happens when you stop believing. You get cynical. You stop experimenting, dreaming, and most importantly you stop goal setting.

Many of the people I work with are age 45 to 75. They haven’t made a fitness goal in years … or ever. During our consult they hear me talk about goal setting and creating habits. I could tell by the look in their eyes, or the eye roll that they are not going to succeed. Whether through failed habits or constantly being told “they can’t”, plays a huge roll into their failed goals. So what’s the best way to never fail at a goal? Don’t make one.

The most common example used for the power of belief is the four minute mile. For years no one was able to run a four minute mile. It was thought that it cannot humanly be done. Then one brave soul broke the four minute mile and within that same year numerous others then followed. What changed within that year? Was it new training protocols? Was it designer steroids? No. It was the fact that one person showed it could be done and then everybody else believed it could be done. Belief made that happen.

I’m asking you to not just to set fitness goals knowing you have no true intention of reaching them. But to set those goals and truly believe you’re going to reach them. Because if you truly do not believe you’re going to reach those goals you never will.

Mark Radio - BA in Exercise Science, certified personal trainer, and certified nutritional counselor. Mark’s ability to connect, motivate, and educate has made him one of the most sought after health and fitness professionals in the industry.

Mark Radio - BA in Exercise Science, certified personal trainer, and certified nutritional counselor. Mark’s ability to connect, motivate, and educate has made him one of the most sought after health and fitness professionals in the industry.

Mark Radiofitness, health, mindset