
More Than Squats

If you’re an athlete you should without a doubt be training in multiple planes of motion. Hell, even if you’re 90 years old and can barely walk you should be training in multiple planes of motion. I challenge you with your next lower body workout to do more than just you basic squats and linear lunges.

The three common planes of motion of the human body are frontal, sagittal, and transverse. The most common gym movements like squats, lunges,walking, and jogging are done in the sagittal plane of motion. Those who played athletics obviously know most of the sports you need to be able to cut and move the laterally, rotate , sprint forward, and back pedal backwards. For weekend warriors or even the non-athletes who are older just think about what movements you hear of when people throw out their back, blow out their knee, or when they strained their neck. Usually rotation, bending and rotating, or moving laterally. Therefore, everybody should be training in all three planes of motion. Below are videos of exercises I like my clients to do on a lower body days. The offset squat, the curtsy lunge, and the lateral of lunge. These three movements are awesome to train your body to move like a human instead of a robot. Watch the following and if you are confident in your form and technique try adding them into your workout.

To Your Health,

Mark Radio